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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tad Was Still Tad

My wife and I were fortunate enough to get to spend a great couple of days with Tad (and Lauren and some other great friends) just a month before he passed. I knew he'd been having a rough time but was VERY pleasantly surprised to see him acting like his regular old self. One of the things I'll always remember about Tad was his penchant for jumping into the background of pictures to do something stupid. I'm so grateful to have this last picture -- you'll notice Tad in the background and our beaming faces in the foreground. If I had a dollar for every picture in which I bore a genuine smile, I might be able to buy a burger and a Coke, as I am approximately the least photogenic person on the planet. I knew he was behind us doing his thing and as usual, it cracked me up. Two nights prior to this photo, he recounted a tale from a trip to Australia when he soiled his pants, and even though I'd heard the story a couple of times already I LITERALLY laughed myself to tears. I can't recall that happening before. Ever. I think a lot of it had to do with my joyful relief that Tad was still Tad.

1 comment:

  1. By definition Tad was always a Superman to me - as a person with great powers and abilities he will always be the great and worldly SuperTad to me. There will never be another SuperTad......
