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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Carin Larkin “Miracle Whip”

always admired Tad for his commitment to be his best all of the time. Whether it was diligently working on Pre-Search or moving an entire camp during a downpour in the Tetons, Tad did everything on levels I can only admire. Like others I had the great pleasure of getting to know Tad. Working in the Tetons with him and the Tetons crew has been beyond memorable.
My favrite memory of Tad was when I made the mistake of saying "eww" when he pulled his beloved Miracle Whip out of the fridge. I think we spent a good twenty minutes debating Miracle Whip and mayo. I personally dislike both but especially despise Miracle Whip. Tad, being the midwest farmboy, adored his precious white condiment. I can't help but smile and laugh out loud remembering this. It was something we would joke about for the following years. For the rest of my life I will not shame the Miracle Whip label but will embrace it with a smile because I will be remembering a friend!
In agreeance with the rest of my Backroads family I am sad and will be missing Tad. I will miss his big heart, big smile, and big laugh.
Thank you Tad for being a part of my Backroads family!

Melissa Schmidt “Grumpy Old Man”

One of my favorite Tad memories was the Halloween of 2006 where he dressed up like a grumpy old man with grey hair, a bathrobe and boxers, slippers, and a walker complete with the tennis balls. He then puttered around with us all night clubbing in the city, perfectly enacting all that a grumpy old man would be at a dance club. It was perfect, the night was made even better by Tony dressed up as a baby in depends.

Kelly English “Sandwiches Come in Pairs”

I didn't know this until I met Tad. They only require two pieces of bread though (open-face sandos). Tad also taught me that Tad's 15 minute work-out from hell will leave you debilitated the next day. Tony and Tad once improved a song that brought me to the ground and tears to my eyes with hysterical laughter so quickly that my tummy hurt more than a work-out from so much laughter. Mr. Brightside has made me think of you since 2007. Tad your soul, smile, wit and humor will live in my memories forever!

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