Backroads Story – Melanie Leavitt “Tad M”
I probably shouldn’t say this, but Tad was my very favorite new leader the year he was hired. And this was before I knew he was funny. He became my favorite because I gave everyone homework and Tad completed his first, filled things out thoroughly, and legibly (!), and then thanked me for training him. He had the most impeccable manners. I never got to spend much time with him, but he had a way of making an impression, and every interaction I had with him made me happy. Even when talking about something serious, you felt like he was just on the edge of making a little joke. I’m remembering him now from the last time I saw him… dancing slightly frantically at Tony and Soraya’s wedding with his big smile charming everyone, and his long limbs taking up half the space on the dance floor.
Backroads Story – Brain Pachtman “Short Muscles…Long Muscles”
I was so very lucky to be able to work with Tad for a while in Death Valley. So, picture Tad and I staying in a ridiculously crappy hotel room...and doing lunge twists throughout our stay together. He made fun of me every morning for being a "drug addict." (i.e. coffee drinker). I even remember us calling Tony one night and how he would call Lauren every night just to say hi. Everything he did was so heartfelt and genuine. Every word out of his mouth seemed to echo in my ears.
I still to this day question if the guests on our trip even knew our names. Being that Tad is quite a few inches taller than I am, the guests called us "long muscles" and "short muscles." And this is all because of the great energy that Tad brought to the trip. I thank you Tad for the all the great advice you gave me during that trip and how much fun I had with you.
You will be everyone you have ever met.
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