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Friday, June 25, 2010

I am sure that, like a lot of you, I have been having a difficult time putting into words how much Tad meant to my life. I was very fortunate to spend many years in a close friendship with Tad. He never ceased to amaze me with how much life and laughter he could breathe into a room.
We lived together for two years in Kansas City, while Tad was going through P.T. school and I was in D.C. school. During those years, there were a lot concerts, plenty of partying, and very few dates. I blame the latter on Tad discovering his love of the guitar. When Tad first started to play, his "repetoire" consisted of about 5 songs---most of which were the classic 80's hair band songs and (of course) a couple Pearl Jam songs. Many MANY nights around nine or ten I would hear loud thumps coming up the stairs, followed by a tap on my door and Tad's booming voice coming from his grinning face ordering "let's get to work". Like everything else in his life, the "practice" was not done half-ass. The scene was thus: Tad and Chad, a bottle of dirt-cheap Merlot, sheet music of some God-awful Poison/Bon Jovi/Indigo Girls' song, and two voices bellowing at the top of their lungs a little ditty (at times about Jack and Diane). As I said before, Tad would not except half-ass. Every word had to be down perfect, and the only volume was loud. It was a blast....
On a more serious note, I learned so much about the beauty in life from Tad. He had a never-ending supply of love, laughter, and a unique insite to the little things most of us tend to take for granted. His friendship was such an honor.

Thanks for listening. I will miss and always love my brother.

Chad....or as Tad would say: "that guy Chad"

P.S. I thought of telling the infamous Pike's Peak story, but I could never come close to getting it the way Tad could do it, as he could get even people who didn't know us crying tears of laughter while telling it. This picture was taken at the top, just before he nearly froze and I hitchhiked with the hillbillies. Little did we know what a story this trip would make....

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